We are grateful for the opportunity to assist you in achieving a healthy and functional smile.
Your initial exam will last approximately one hour. We will review your medical and dental history and perform a thorough examination of your teeth and gums. This will include looking for signs of periodontal disease, gum recession, tooth looseness, and missing teeth. Dr. Britten will also check your bite (occlusion) and perform an oral cancer screening exam.
During this initial consultation we will be able to provide a diagnosis of your periodontal condition and propose a treatment plan to improve your dental health. Occasionally, Dr. Britten prefers additional time to review his findings and “do his homework” so that he can provide the best recommended treatment options. We may then ask you to return for a complimentary second consultation visit.
Because we know your time is important, we try to stay on schedule to minimize waiting. Prior to your appointment, you will be mailed health history and registration forms.